Personal Stories, Teachings & Tools

Personal Sarah Hildreth Rankin Personal Sarah Hildreth Rankin

How I Started Seeing Past Lives

One morning after getting the girls down for a nap, I crumpled onto the floor in exhaustion & tears asking no one in particular why this was so hard. The next moment I was at a riverbank. I could see my feet on the rocks & feel the icy water on my toes. I was experiencing the scene at the river in real time as if I was there, while also being able to zoom out & witness โ€˜myselfโ€™ from above.

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Personal Sarah Hildreth Rankin Personal Sarah Hildreth Rankin

Gripping the Wheel of Medication Withdrawal

Iโ€™m now two years off prescription drugs, 3 years into an experience called Topical Steroid Withdrawal, 3 months on a radically different healing protocol and trying to reconcile the fact that no matter what I do or how hard I push that I donโ€™t actually have any control.

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Photo by Jackson Hendry